Bake at Home Biscuits

Did you know biscuits were original French Military rations that were cooked twice? - once to bake and a second time to preserve for travel - hence the name biscuits bis (twice) cuits (cook).

Makes 10-12 Biscuits


1 Contimo Biscuit Kit

1 ½ sticks (6oz) Unsalted Butter, cold (shredded with a cheese grater)

2 cups Buttermilk


1. Preheat your oven to 450ºF and line a large baking sheet with parchment paper.

2. Move Quick! - Use a knife or cheese grater to cut the butter into small thin pieces. Immediately transfer the butter to the freezer to keep it cold.

3. Empty the entire biscuit kit into a large bowl and mix well - we highly recommend sifting.

4. Move Quick! - Add the butter and gently stir the mixture until just combined.

5. Add the buttermilk and gently stir the mixture until just combined. Be sure to scrape the sides and bottom of the bowl, but do not overwork the mixture.

6. Using a large spoon or scoop drop the biscuits onto the prepared baking sheet, spacing them at least 1” apart. No need to be precious or fancy, circular blobs work just fine.

7. Bake the biscuits for 10-15 minutes or until they are golden brown. Feel free to crack one slightly to ensure they are cooked through.

8. Remove the biscuits from the oven. Let the biscuits rest for 1 minute and transfer them to a cooling rack or platter. Do not wait too long or the biscuits will stick to the parchment.

9. Add Contimo ham, bacon, breakfast sausage, pimento cheese, or your favorite jam and eat!es here


Contimo Bacon


Marinated Chicken